Wednesday, September 19, 2007

There Aren't Any Rules

I know a lot of programmers won't agree but there are few, if any, "rules" for writing good code. It doesn't matter what platform or language or type of software you are writing. If you think someone can hand you a set of rules that you can follow to write good code you are mistaken. I try not to call anything a rule anymore. Now I call them guidelines or principles. The difference is that a guideline needs to be interpreted and judged to know when it should be applied. A guideline might also apply to more than one case.

Sorry, but I reserve the right to change my mind tomorrow about what I told you today was the right thing. This profession is too young, changes too fast, and is too much of a craft for rules written in stone. I've been doing this long enough to know that many things we consider best practices today are likely to change tomorrow. Remember hungarian notation? At one point you would have flunked a code review if you didn't use it, now you'd be more likely to flunk if you did. How about object oriented design? I remember when inheritance and polymorphism were going to save the world. Now too much inheritance is a sure sign of bad design. How about unit testing? We're still discovering the best techniques for things like mock objects.

Much of what makes good code depends on situation and context. Michaels Feathers says it very clearly -
"Good programming is contextual. Practice is contextual. We can articulate rules about how to use language constructs correctly, but they're just guidelines. Context is king."

When Good Code Looks Bad, Michael Feathers
I'd like to add that it is also about having the knowledge and judgment to know which guideline to apply when. There aren't any shortcuts, it takes judgment, practice, and study to write good code. Becoming a good programmer is hard work and you won't be one by following a set of rules. But you might become one if you practice and study the art of programming.

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